Best. Mobile. Ever.


Hands down, the “Infant Stim Mobile” is the best mobile ever.  When I pulled it out of the box, I thought that I had just spent $28 on a big piece of junk.  After all, I could have put something similar together with some fishing line, a few index cards and some felt tip markers.  Nevertheless, this one of the best investments we made (right after the $19 light fixture from Ikea).  I love it because it is not annoying in any way; it does not light up, play music, squeak or crinkle.  And, she loves it for reasons we will never understand.  All I can say is that every morning she spends at least a half hour quietly looking at the Stim Mobile and cooing. In addition, if she ever “melts down” we take her to the mobile and it calms her down when all else fails.  We got ours at Giggle (, but I’m sure they are sold at other chains.  If you are reading this and have a baby, you must order one pronto.  At the very least, give it as a gift at the next baby shower you attend.

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